John Klonaris

The Klonaris name has been synonymous with the food service industry since 1985.
John's parents (Emmanuel and Mary Klonaris) were in food service distribution which John was partly involved in from the start. It wasn't until 1993 when he joined them full time.
In November 2005, the sale of the business had occurred, however John was never too far away from the industry; thus evolved National Foodservice Solutions .
Having been involved in the industry for a number of years, and having seen numerous changes during this time, John understands this unique market and understands the needs and expectations of suppliers, distributors and end users alike.
John has completed his Masters in Business Administration, specialising in Entrepreneurial Management.

Maria Klonaris

Maria holds her degree in Bachelor of Commerce.
Maria has been involved in food service for a number of years and in different areas of the industry.
In 1993 Maria worked in one of the areas most famous and busiest independent take away outlet at that time. Later moving on to work with her family in a business incorporating a cafe, food court, restaurant and wine bar, it was one of the first businesses of that type in the area, and subsequently became the industry benchmark in which led to the influx of cafes and other food and beverage outlets in that area.
In 1996 Maria's industry experience shifted to food service distribution, where she later became accounts manager.
Having experience in different areas of the food service industry, Maria offers a valuable and unique perspective in the business.

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